
22nd - 24th February 2008. Be there or be bored!
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Post by Golem »

First, thanks to the many attendees who filled the servers so nicely. The UT tournament was easily the highlight of the LAN seeing some thrilling action towards and during the finals. KF did good providing the double elimination tournament tree so we could visually track what was going on. Congrats Yaz!

I must also thank the Greenies for being pretty excellent teammates. Despite not really being fans of TF2, all you chaps got into the swing of things very quickly. Offence got the job done nicely. Shadow assisted my position well as a covering engineer. Evilgangsta was a particularly superb newbie (I'm glad he came around to taking part) as the Paranoid Heavy, blocking doorways and shooting absolutely everyone, even his teammates, to suppress all danger of spies. :D It was a shame D3TH couldn't get in on the TF2 action, but he had plenty of COD4 action after all. ;)

Another highlight was the 'rule-free' madfest between green and yellow, the last TF2 match on Saturday. Easily the most funny game session all weekend. :D

Piccies will appear in the gallery as soon as I get round to it/the galleries work. ;) See you at LLX!
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Pru »

I think it was one of the best llamalans so far, was really good to see so many people there. Met a few new peeps, got to know some of the other people ive met past lans a little bit more ect. I was glad to see so many people taking an intrest in lancake, i'll probably do the same again just because i can :P

Thanks to all the staff for putting on a great lan (even if once again i didnt get to game much because i reinstalled the day of the lan, blame philbert :P) and Thanks to everyone i bullied into writing on my t-shirt when i was a bit drunk :P

Also thanks to DjArcas and Er00 for bringing the PG stuff, was great fun on saturday night.
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by evilgangsta »

Thanks Golem really had a good time enjoyed TF2 far more than I anticipated, Thanks to all on green team for being such cool team mates apart from dezz and onion ofc they smell.

I will sign up for x asap
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Zodiack »

You totally know that Green vs Yellow was the best match ever.

Ahh, serious fun guys!
Thanks to EVERYBODY for a great weekend!
Much love to everybody who was on yellow team.
You guys rocked. :)

Pru, your cake was very yummy. :)
If you make more, I'm theeeeere.

I love all you guys.
You made sleeping for 7 hours worthwhile!
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by D3TH »

well i posted a thank you topic when i got home, doesn't seem to be on the forums, my bad... but yh

My first LAN and i enjoyed it greatly, great fun and lots of COD4, shame my bloody steam was a bitch, i did need to upgrade bcoz i went home and i needed to upgrade alot of games........ like i said before LAN green are the best obviously..

great thanks to EVO for the lift to LAN and back, also the little journeys into town..... great help

Hopefully i be able to come to the one in august but it in august and got a holiday around that time aswell, also i should be driving by then so i won't need to ask for a lift
Lans Attended: LL9, i33, i34, LL10, i35, i36, LL11

Lans Planning to Attended = i37, LL12

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Re: Marvellous!

Post by YaZoR »

Tip top weekend and I'm all paid up for LLX.

I really enjoyed the event even though i'd managed a 250mile non-stop trip, bunged up with a bad cold/headache, and an aching body.

Cheers to everyone for your hospitality towards a northerner. :)

See you soon, and frag ya later!
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by evilgangsta »

Eeew your northern I just thought you talking funny was down to the cold.
Hehe only messing ofc well played in both tourneys.
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by YaZoR »

Hehe, np.

I think the highlight for me was getting that 3rd cap against Yellow on 2Fort in the last fraction of a second. Never thought I'd make it with 15 seconds left when I was on the bridge.
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Joosebug »

yeah excellent Lan guys, u shall most definitely see more of the Joosebug when possible ;)
all was good except the annoyances of steam ofc. even that ongoing battle on Open TTD was pretty funny.
ooh and the projector games were awesome, that water collection game was hilarious.
Thanks Kannonfodda i think u gave me the Sapphire X800XL for the lan, that was really good as my blasted Graphics was dead,
i'm actually sorting that out nows :) and i shall be more prepared for LLX

see you guys around
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by =|MAD|=EvO »

Thanks again guys for organising another great lan.

Had a fantastic time as always.

Prob wont be able to make the next lan but will pop in for a pint or 2.
I'm not a shottie whore ...... i'm just harvesting noobs :D
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Izzard »

Great LAN, very well organized as expected :) I'm glad I could make it as it was nice to get away from screaming newborn twins for a bit (shame the missus didn't get the same luxury).

Highlight for me was probably an impromptu game of Quake 3 deathmatch on Q3DM17 - The Longest Yard. Love it.
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by YaZoR »

Yea well played Izzard, you beat me on that one.
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Izzard »

On a Mac, too. Ouch ;)
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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Oysterizer »

Cheers for a great Lan guys.

Really enjoyed the TF2 tourney, OpenTDD and the projector madness.

Still smarting from theTF2 loss though ;)

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Re: Marvellous!

Post by Ripper »

4 Sure great lan enjoyed every second of it.....

Deff be back next time for the rematch..... Ur Mine yaz!!!.....

Lolz..... 0X
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