Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

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Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Dezz »

My name is Dezz (dont knock it and no matter how drunk i am i can always remember it) and I have been a pc gamer for about twenty 20 now. I havent gamed for 21hr and 35 minutes and 5 seconds now (since ripper kicked my arse in ut2k4) and in 4 hours time i will correct this terrible error in bloody combat on the cod4 servers.

Lans are always a terrible time for me as I am torn in two , either game to win (ll10) or lan to drink (ll9).

I am a passionate gamer and have always tried to carry the gamers r not evil flag forward to non gamers and into real life in general.

Does anyone here remember having to enable ipx/spx protocols in DOS to be able to link two pc's together to game ?

Highest aim in gaming was to represent South Africa at WCG in 2001/2 in Unreal Tournament (original) , after getting through regional qualifiers etc I arrived at final eliminator and discovered that some people had got to the next level .. I landed up 8th-10th and got owned 30-5 by the two guys we sent to Korea.

Since then age , alcohol , addictions (games of course :wink: ) and a wife have take a toll on gaming reactions , but as a friendly competitor i say "bring it" and show me your 1 v 1 game and i will show you mine.

This rambling post describes me very well.

peace out dudes \o
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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Golem »

Dezz wrote:Does anyone here remember having to enable ipx/spx protocols in DOS to be able to link two pc's together to game ?
My first ever lanning experience was when my brother and I took our PC to a friend's house just round the corner and hooked up over a serial cable. What for? Co-Op DOOM! I guess that was in 1993 or 4. :)

We even had a forty meter serial cable extended over our gardens between bedroom windows at one point!

I hope to die at your hands some more in the future Dezz. :D
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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by YaZoR »

Hey Dezz.

I remember IPX/SPX and serial (null-modem) setups. Doom indeed was one of the first I played that I remember.

Good to see you again mate. Hope to see you at LL 11. I'll try to bring more of a challenge next time. ;)
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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Dezz »

do you also remember using LL2 or 3 where LL is laplink . i had to use that to check i had the right cables first as it had a very good (read that easy) linking setup.
and yes those damn null modem cables . and serial and parallel cables ... i spent hours try to get things to talk to each other .. LOL and i cannot believe anyone hates windows now .. plug and pray for teh win

yaz if u had spent 1 day practising ut you would beat me .. so dont go overboard now ya hear .. i live for those 2 frag difference maps .. adrenaline pumping nerves jangling .. w00t

does antiflow visit these forums ... back in 2001/2 there was a ut player called eVeRflow , from aussie i think .. he was kinda a hero as he did very well at WCG , he carried the torch of the southern hemisphere (well RSA and AU at least) , it would be funny if this was the same chap , or even if he knew him or even heard of him ..

you realise that ripper is now the enemy , so i expect to spend practise time with you now Yaz :-) hehe

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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by antiflow »

I read this some times yes!

But I am not the same guy, though I must admit to playing an insane amount of UT99 back in the days. I played mostly instagib however, as I wasn't skilled enough to master all those different weapons :mrgreen:

The 1v1 with you has been the best adrenaline kick I have had for a long time from playing games, sadly I ended up at the wrong side of the score board!

I guess that's my way of saying GG ;)
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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Ripper »

lol dezz im the enemy now eh lolz

games were good and hard ill practice at least twice a week now for the next 6 months see if i can up my game a bit i found that playing cod 4 improved my reaction times and then jamming with dezz improved my movement and weapon selection and yaz get a bit of practice in next time so we can have another epic game.

sorry agin for the delay by me in the 1v1 i didnt get any sleep at all thursday then only three hrs friday so i was toast on sat got a nice sleep that night then we finnished sunday... again sorry about that...
next time ill be sure to try to get enough sleep... just was way too stressed and excited to be going up against yaz again.... hehe

see u all there again for some epic pwnage :)

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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Nemesis »

ah u played in WCG quali's ^_^.

i plays in the 2006 starcraft quali's n took 5-8th then in 2007 took 3rd on starcract UK and 4th on cnc3 UK.. (the guy who beat me went on to win the entire WCG).

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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by D3TH »

well you all fail seeded 32 COD4 Cup!!! @ i34

USA Wolfenstein Champions (long story ask if u wanna know)
Lans Attended: LL9, i33, i34, LL10, i35, i36, LL11

Lans Planning to Attended = i37, LL12

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Re: Dezz is now trawling (not trolling) your forums

Post by Nemesis »

seed 23 IN THE WORLD at ESWC Grand Finals, San Jose, USA, aug 2008... i win :).

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