Rock Band

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Rock Band

Post by evilgangsta »

Im just wondering how this Big Game will work due to Rock band being a 4 player game.

Will probably get shot down in flames but due to the fact that its got limited players I would have thought it would be better positioned as a clan game or something.
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Re: Rock Band

Post by CyberDrac »

Based on the way that music and rhythm games cause polarisation of opinions we expect that there are a number of people who will simply not want to play, of those who remain there are some who lack the desire to play in front on the entire LAN on stage and others who feel that their level of ability may mean that they don't want to get up on stage and perform.

As with any team game there is usually a squad of willing people to draw the final team from, hopefully having that pool of people will mean that each team will be able to put on a great show with the best that their team has to offer.

It's no different from us choosing TF2 as a big team game, some people will not have it, some people will have it and not want to play.

Bearing in mind the whole theme of the LAN is ROCK, and the in theming the LAN we have made the teams BANDS, it seemed logical to incorporate a music and rhythm game into the event. With the choice of GHWT and RB each having a maximum of four players our hands were tied slightly.
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Re: Rock Band

Post by evilgangsta »

With 3 out of the 4 Team games being projector games with limited number of possible participants they seem less team orientated than the massive team Onslaught games we had last time.
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Golem »

We've actually increased the number of team tournaments over LlamaLAN X. You remember well the Onslaught matches, but the only other big team event was Go Go Gadget. So we still have a big FPS team game (TF2) and we still have GGG, which worked out nicely as a team effort due to all the enthusiastic conferring going on. Now we've expanded it to give each of us a chance to help the overall team score with audiosurf and created what we hope to be a rather spectacular on-stage group effort. As there are four tracks in total to play, each one requiring four players, there's the possibility of every member of each team giving at least one song a go, if they want to, with the rest of their team cheering them on of course! (or yelling how much they suck! ;))

So we've not lost any team-oriented gaming - if anything, we've gained!
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Fatman »

Im not sure if i willbe part of it because ive never played rock band for a start, i could bring my decks and throw out a couple of mixes instead tho :D
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Re: Rock Band

Post by CyberDrac »

Never say never, and there is always a first time for everything and the whole idea of the Rock Band tournament is to make it accessible to everyone. The difficulty will be capped at medium, and with three disciplines to master (guitar, drums and vocals) there will be something for everyone to try ... and if Golem can start playing immediately on Medium the first time he picked up the instruments having never played any music/rhythm games before, then I'm sure anyone else with a pulse and the ability to tap their toe will get a chance to get involved. There will be 4 performances for each band, each will require 4 band members, that is a potential 16 people being involved over the course of the event, and since there is only 12 people on each team we feel that every who wants to give it a go and feels that they are up for the challenge can do so, some people more than once.
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Golem »

CyberDrac wrote: ... and if Golem can start playing immediately on Medium the first time he picked up the instruments having never played any music/rhythm games before, then I'm sure anyone else with a pulse and the ability to tap their toe will get a chance to get involved.
This is in reference to one night a couple of weeks ago when we did a trial of Rock Band et al. for this tournament. That night was my first and, to date, only time I've touched Rock Band or anything like it. :)

So I too am (mostly) a Rock Band newb!
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Re: Rock Band

Post by D3TH »

for college (as my class is full of geeks - Game making course)

we did a rockband and GH night.. was fun!! but there was 8 of us and it was a major issue of people just standing around doing nothing (apart from drink more)
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Re: Rock Band

Post by CyberDrac »

D3TH wrote:we did a rockband and GH night.. was fun!! but there was 8 of us and it was a major issue of people just standing around doing nothing (apart from drink more)
Well, since you are at a LAN I'm sure you can amuse yourself during the rest of the Saturday if you aren't in the band which is currently playing. Your team will perform four times, three during the day, and one in the evening, if you aren't involved in your team's band for a given performance then you are free to do whatever you wish although hopefully you'll be part of the audience for the evening. You only have maintain your attention span for the duration of four songs as a member of the audience and you only have to play in the songs which your Band Manager asks you to play in, so, even if you are a permanent member of the band that will be four songs, tops, spread over the Saturday.

And since when has standing around and drinking been a problem?
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Re: Rock Band

Post by D3TH »

CyberDrac wrote:
D3TH wrote:we did a rockband and GH night.. was fun!! but there was 8 of us and it was a major issue of people just standing around doing nothing (apart from drink more)
Well, since you are at a LAN I'm sure you can amuse yourself during the rest of the Saturday if you aren't in the band which is currently playing. Your team will perform four times, three during the day, and one in the evening, if you aren't involved in your team's band for a given performance then you are free to do whatever you wish although hopefully you'll be part of the audience for the evening. You only have maintain your attention span for the duration of four songs as a member of the audience and you only have to play in the songs which your Band Manager asks you to play in, so, even if you are a permanent member of the band that will be four songs, tops, spread over the Saturday.

And since when has standing around and drinking been a problem?
since i had to drive the next day and couldn't drink that much!!!

isit me.. but CDs replys are sounding more and more like a reply from a old man.. they get meaner by the post :(
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Kanonfodda »

D3TH wrote:since i had to drive the next day and couldn't drink that much!!!

isit me.. but CDs replys are sounding more and more like a reply from a old man.. they get meaner by the post :(
to be honest, I think it's you. CD's posts are always accurate and to the point. If you think they are "mean", perhaps you should look at what you are posting and ask yourself "why would someone get annoyed with me?"

just a thought ;)
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Re: Rock Band

Post by D3TH »

Kanonfodda wrote:
D3TH wrote:since i had to drive the next day and couldn't drink that much!!!

isit me.. but CDs replys are sounding more and more like a reply from a old man.. they get meaner by the post :(
to be honest, I think it's you. CD's posts are always accurate and to the point. If you think they are "mean", perhaps you should look at what you are posting and ask yourself "why would someone get annoyed with me?"

just a thought ;)
**looks back***

cannot see why someone would be annoyed with my post???
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Golem »

You said you had a band evening but there was a major issue with people standing around doing nothing, which inferred we were going to see a 'major issue' at the LAN with people standing around doing nothing - following the gist of the earlier posts in this thread. We seem to have to keep justifying our decisions, and this was the latest of a few challenges to decisions we've made in an effort to bring a fun and rather different LAN experience to our community. Clear now sir?
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Re: Rock Band

Post by D3TH »

tbh i think you got the wrong of the stick/branch here...

i am telling you that we had issues at a rockband and GH night..not a full weekend lan

now most of you know me.. if i thought that rockband was a bad idea.. i would clearly tell you.. similar back to the COD4 > TF2 in LL9 & LL10

i think it will work very well if everyone is involved and that music is covered well..IE not all old stuff as i know about 3 songs on the list, songs that everyone know etc etc

does that clear it up sir?

EDIT = And you mention that you explain your actions.. why you picked this game.. and why you have chosen that.. where is the problem in that.. it is OUR lan right?? if someone was going to cancel a activity on my holiday i would want some backing on this.. well this is a similar situation
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Re: Rock Band

Post by Golem »

Well it is our LAN, which includes everyone who pays and plays, including the guys who run it, who are as much participants as you guys. ;) We just do our best to provide the event itself, give everyone something they enjoy, plus something different every time.

Lots of chat, lots of discussion and lots of consideration for what people want takes place before each decision made in the run up to an event. The holiday analogy isn't a bad one, but it's more like we've held a big conference to get everyone's opinions on where they want to go, discussed all options having gathered the data, and proposed the holiday destination, with explanation behind our decision, to the group - some of whom subsequently nitpick at what we've spent ages trying to get right for the majority. ;)

I'm sure you understand that doing this over and over again could start to wear people out. :o
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