Alien Swarm released ... on Source

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Alien Swarm released ... on Source

Post by CyberDrac »

The News ...

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After some great co-op games of the then UT2004 mod at a couple of LANs about five or six ago and the resulting ban of some people from being allowed to play with the flamethrower in polite company the game is back and it's FREE! Great LAN materiel :)
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Re: Alien Swarm released ... on Source

Post by Haste »

already downloaded, and god is it fun :)
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Re: Alien Swarm released ... on Source

Post by Golem »

Custom battle music!

My goodness me.

First thing I did on starting AS was to scan through all the settings, whereupon I found the option to choose some custom battle music. I didn't know how this would work. I dropped a track into the Combat Music option without knowing where it'd be used, before I played AS for the first time.

But it was a perfect track, believe me :D

'The Dream is Collapsing' from the Inception soundtrack (track 3) by Hans Zimmer

It doesn't start off blaring in your face so you get a brief but tense guitar lead-in to the mega epic ominous brass, such a fitting atmosphere especially when teammates start dying on you. :)

When I first heard the guitar intro come on I totally forgot I'd added this track to the custom music option and thought "oh that music's cool... sounds a bit like the inception soundtrack actually...". I remembered when the theme really kicked in. :roll:
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