Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

October 28th - 30th 2011
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Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Bobtastimo »

Hi guys,

It's really sad but I'm not going to be able to make it this time.
I've had a lot of university stuff lumped into the end of this week and have no choice but to do that instead of coming to the LAN :(

I'm sure my compadres in Yellow team will do me proud in my absense, and I'll just have to be extra clever about work/uni arangements so that I can attend LL17.

I've got a t-shirt ordered, if someone (Golem/KF?) can make sure Zodiack takes it home with her at the end of the weekend, I'll get her to drop it round mine at somepoint (at least then I can pretend I was there and have fake vietnam-veteran style flashbacks).

Have fun guys and good luck beating the alien hordes!
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by bsoltan »

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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by thebrook »

Ben is right Bob..


Your the guy who makes the team tick over..

The motivation..

The juice..

I am not too sure how yellow team are going to cope :(

Well seeing as yellow haven't got Bob...GG :P
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Joosebug »

thats the best 1st post reply tbh bsoltan.

this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks all of us on yellow shall shed a tear of sadness and a seconds silence for bobtastimo.

i think you should let someone take along ur viking biker helmet and put it in ur seat so people know your at LAN in spirit.
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by thebrook »

Id like to take this moment, and say yellow team should have a minute silence (like joose said) on Saturday, then a nice round of cheers for 'Bob..Bob..Bob'
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Zodiack »


You tell me when I can pop round to drop off your shirt!
We can reminisce.
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Bobtastimo »

Thanks for the comiserations guys :)

Hope you all had a good time, and handed a sufficient number of asses to their respective owners :P

I'm definately going to come to LL17 to make up for it.

And I have to agree with Joose bsoltan, that is definetely the best 1st response ever :D
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Golem »

It was a shame you couldn't be there to see your work in action for the first time it was ever shown in public XD

Bob made the ships and bombers and troop transporters etc you saw in the finale vid, he did a fantastic job XD was a huge help, loved the result :)
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Re: Bobtastimo - Status: MIA

Post by Bobtastimo »

It was a shame you couldn't be there to see your work in action for the first time it was ever shown in public XD
Bob made the ships and bombers and troop transporters etc you saw in the finale vid, he did a fantastic job XD was a huge help, loved the result :)
Yeah I was most upset that I couldn't come.
Also, I'd have liked to have gotten to texturing everything properly, but I digress.

Maybe some more of my creations will show up next time :P
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