Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

April 20th - 22nd 2012
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Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by Golem »

We thought space was the final frontier, turns out it's the digital frontier that is stuffed with curious anomalies and lost information!

With several new instances of Green Team llamas, I invite KF/Syk/Kryton (whoever holds index 0 on team 0000FF) to welcome all former Green players who overflow our team's buffer (if they choose to walk this path ;)) or are desperate to sit next to their mates without any space left. Perhaps just a small aisle between you and your buddy is sufficient - At least this way you aren't further away then we can throw an After Eighth Bit. ;)

Appropriately, Team Green 00FF00 + Team Blue 0000FF = TRON COLOUR TEAM GRUE 00FFFF!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by MikeyTWolf »

I approve!

Oh, and what's this? Red? Yellow? Now I don't know but those look like the colour of a VIRUS! Making deadly LAVA ORANGE.

Haha yes! Teams within Teams! We must go Deeper!
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Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by Sykodelika »

Happy to recieve players from green, as long as proper tribute is paid (don't fart on me) :)
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Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by SneakyRusski »

Light cycles ? I heard the battle cry... :O
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Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by YaZoR »

SneakyRusski wrote:Light cycles ? I heard the battle cry... :O
And the band was.....
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Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Post by node »

Before you know it they'll stage a coup and we'll have twe green teams. WATCH YOUR BACKS.
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