LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

April 20th - 22nd 2012
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LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

Post by CyberDrac »

Following the success of LlamaBEER at the last admin meeting, I thought that I would canvas the opinions of the those attending LlamaLAN 17 as to whether it would be worth buying in a quantity of Real Ale from the local brewery, the Nelson Brewing Company they do miniPin (17 Pint) or full PolyPin (35 Pint) of their ales and I was considering offering it on an 'Honesty Sheet' basis, where people can top up as much as they want as often as they want as long as they record it on the sheet, we then settle up at the end of the event either in cash or PayPal transfers.

A miniPin could be up to £37ish, which works out at around £2.20 a Pint
A PolyPin could be up to £61ish, which works out at around £1.75 a Pint

While they aren't cheap cheap, they are reasonable prices for, in my humble opinion, excellent beers.

So who might be interested and how thirsty are you likely to be?

edit : depending on the level of interest we'll be looking at getting a couple of different beers in miniPins, which despite being slightly more expensive will offer a variety that you won't necessarily get from a single large PolyPin. We are looking at getting a miniPin between three people and will scale the order accordingly, but you are committing to something in the order of four or five pints of the course of a couple of days which I think will suit most people, if you think that you will drink more or less than that then please indicate in your response and we'll tweak the order accordingly.

1. CyberDrac
2. Kanonfodda
3. Kryton
4. Chris Atkins (maybe a couple of pints)
5. ?
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Re: LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

Post by YaZoR »

Ale?! I thought you were on Babychams?!?!

I'll bring plenty of lemonade so you softies can have some shandy......
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Re: LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

Post by Kanonfodda »

sounds good to me :)

you can keep your lemonade YaZoR, if you try and defile my ale with it, you will be sounding like yer monkey! ;)
If it bleeds, we can fry it :0D
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Re: LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

Post by Zodiack »

I don't know if I like it or not, so I'll try one! :3
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Re: LlamaBEER - Any Real Ale fans out there?

Post by SneakyRusski »

YaZoR you cant be drinking this time round.. gotta win son :D
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