Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by thebrook »

Anyhow - if trackmania is not a tournament (which it wont be), could I request a 1v1 tournament be created, and I will admin the tournament. Obviously - points will not go towards the final outcome, but I will personally provide goddies, for the winning player.

I would just use excel, but using the website, everyone else can see it ;)
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Joosebug »

Kanonfodda wrote:
tenwierdufos wrote:I would rather enjoy some competitive track mania :)
KF gets met with the realisation that not only yellow team likes trackmania. lashes out violently.
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Kanonfodda »

I know who likes it, tell the buggers to put it on their games lists!

If you don't it won't get picked. Then again, it might not anyway cos I am just fed up having the same discussion about it
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Twysta »

Am I the only who didn't really enjoy CoD2? :roll:
I loved the Original CoD and the United Offensive Expansion though.
CoD2 just felt like a slower dumbed down version.
Reggie wrote: I suggest any game which can involve a greater number of people in the team as these are far more fun than the 1 v 1s there is a greater feel of involvement with the bigger teams.
Although I'm partly in agreement with you here mate, after coming to a couple of LAN's I feel that the 1v1's can really add to it - it really helped me meet people on other teams (minus a couple of exceptions at the first LAN where people just pissed and moaned when I went up to talk to them after the game and say gg). That's how I met my man Russki as he was my first game last time.
Also though the fact and there is a limited prize fund and it'd be pretty difficult for the LLamadmins to acquire goodies for a WHOLE team makes me show a new appreciation for the duels (Before LlamaLAN17 I didn't even like duelling!!)

I do prefer team games as well though however, so if budgets could be stretched to a 2v2 that would be pretty cool not sure on how that would change the interaction between players (might be harder for someone there on their own to find a team mate and get left out of the tourney because 2 sets of 2 would rather partner up with their mates)
I quite enjoyed the Instagib CTF though we had on the Sunday mate, I would be up for more.
Kanonfodda wrote:Alien Swarm for example, we did discuss having two 4 man squads getting times, but not all four teams could field that, so it would leave the other teams with an unfair advantage :)

I would say that at a sold out event, there is obviously enough bodies to fill slots for a free game - so surely the disadvantage is more self inflicted than in saying that people don't have the game or the team doesn't have enough people no?

Also another Warsow tourney would be sweet I'd be down with that too.

Obviously these are all clearly just my opinions and thoughts and I am by no means trying to lay down the law or tell anyone else they're wrong and I'm not trying to get up in anyone's grill!
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by tenwierdufos »

Kanonfodda wrote:I know who likes it, tell the buggers to put it on their games lists!

If you don't it won't get picked. Then again, it might not anyway cos I am just fed up having the same discussion about it
To be honest I didn't realise it was something not be mentioned! I just enjoyed it at the last LAN, my first and commented haha. I will not mention it again but will make up my games list this evenin :)
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Golem »

Twysta wrote:Am I the only who didn't really enjoy CoD2? :roll:
I loved the Original CoD and the United Offensive Expansion though.
CoD2 just felt like a slower dumbed down version.
Reggie wrote: I suggest any game which can involve a greater number of people in the team as these are far more fun than the 1 v 1s there is a greater feel of involvement with the bigger teams.
Although I'm partly in agreement with you here mate, after coming to a couple of LAN's I feel that the 1v1's can really add to it - it really helped me meet people on other teams (minus a couple of exceptions at the first LAN where people just pissed and moaned when I went up to talk to them after the game and say gg). That's how I met my man Russki as he was my first game last time.
I actually like to think of the 1v1s as a very team-involving event. We're all the cheerleaders behind our champions, I very much enjoy the role of psyching up our players up for another game and spectating the showdowns :)
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Pru »

serious sam!

can see which team gets furthest/quickest time :D
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by BlaineEE »

Loving the idea of CoD2, BF1942, and the DoD games. All fit the theme perfectly and are inexpensive or free.

I have also added Medal of Honor: Allied Assault to my games list, mainly for nostalgia and the theme, played this game so much when i was younger, no idea if the game modes will be suitable for playing (its been 10 years)

An RTS would be fun in the line up, if R.U.S.E is a no go, maybe company of heroes is a fitting option ? heard lots of good things about it (yet to play it), and again, dirt cheap.
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by ragemoar »

Yeah i've heard nothing but praise for company of heroes, would really like to play an RTS :)
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by chrisakira »

i dont really mind as long as we can get some variation and not have all fps again. i have my preferences but will keep em quiet and see what happens =)


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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by DrFesty »

chrisakira wrote:i dont really mind as long as we can get some variation and not have all fps again. i have my preferences but will keep em quiet and see what happens =)
I agree with Chris, variety is good :)

Some vehicle warfare would be fun too, so maybe DIPRIP Warmup? Also Castle Crashers flickered into my consciousness. Fun multiplayer but not sure how it'd be scored...
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Reggie »

I quite like the sound of big open maps with lots of vehicles and shit blowing the hell out of everything :D
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by [KTFO]i-LiMiT-i »

Ragnor wrote:bf1942 or return to castle wolfenstein would fit the theme nicely imo ;)
AFAIK, 1942 is now free on Origin?
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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by [KTFO]i-LiMiT-i »


For CoD2, Steam have Activision Sale on atm, so you can get either CoD2 for £11.99 or the CoD War Chest for £14.99 which includes CoD, CoD2, and CoD: UO. Just a heads up :)

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Re: Game Suggestions for next LAN :)

Post by Byta »

Hi all sorry i have been very quiet had a lot going on . Ok i like the idea of Warsaw & BF1942 or even Cod2 mind you i will just about play any FPS . What about Quake 2 its old now but a bit closer to the theme than Quake 3 & there are some fitting skins for it or even make you own.yes you can get BF1942 free ... eover=true .
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