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Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:13 pm
by CyberDrac
Er00 wrote:WRT the more social event things - maybe something like The Big Game run, where they do a whole LAN pizza run on the Saturday night (having forwarned the local Domino's ;) ) and then have a quiz and people get their pizza in the order they win the quiz. It's a really good incentive to get everyone involved, as without something like that you'll just find half the lan'll want to continue playing games rather than get involved. ;) Though as you said, most of the LL attendees are great people who *do* get involved in the more social side of things, so, maybe it would work at a LL without that added incentive! :)
A good idea there, we'll see how that can fit in with the event as a whole, especially since it successfully combines food and a social activity, if a BBQ/Large Meal/Takeaway Run were to be arranged, then having a social activity sort out the order could work really well
Er00 wrote:And, on the LAN, it was good. The only thing I'd add is a couple of things that've already been mentioned - be more vocal about games, and run more team based games! I know it's difficult running that many tourneys with most people playing in a couple of them, but perhaps a stricter tourney schedule would work, whereby you designate, say, 2 hours for TF2 to take place, with half hour given to each match or something, and if one team isn't ready by that time then they go with who they've got or forfeit. At one point our team was hanging around on the TF2 server for about 25 mins having been told the other team was ready to start, as a couple of their players were playing CnC or something, then after that they headed out for a smoke before finally joining us! It's things like that which mean tourneys take such a long time, especially with a small lan where everyone pretty much plays everything! I really think timetabling it would help, as then you eliminate the whole having to wait for everyone to finish other tourney matches. :) Aside from that though, it was a great lan, and I'm glad everyone enjoyed the Friday night fun! :D
We did indeed hugely enjoy the Friday night activities on stage, in fact I was getting a little obsessive over 'Go! Go! Gadget', the chivvying up of players will of course be addressed, we'll see about the timetabling, I'm not sure making it really strict will suit the event style but we certainly need to start setting some boundaries within which we should operate, but the pestering of players and teams should help it a lot.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:13 pm
by YaZoR
Firstly I got this text from Pantburster yesterday:

"give my best wishes and apologies to all at llamalan"

Secondly, thanks for all the fish. I mean thanks for the LAN guys. Again I really enjoyed it, was such a good laugh. Shame not everyone turned up ]=(

The only downside I think I experienced was the tournaments taking too long due to people not playing there games as early as they could have. But I don't know what the solution to that would be other than to gaffa tape them to their chair. Or by hiring Brian Blessed to boom his voice. (By the way if you do hire him, don't give him a mic/amplifier. I hear the noise level from his voice could rip open the very fabric of space/time). On a side note, get him to do some running commentry on a match LINKY.

So alal is good from me, and I can't wait for LlamaLAN XI

p.s. I spoke to Brian, and he's picketing for LLXI


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:21 pm
by Zodiack
As an idea for something social, I've got Cranium. :)

Anybody unsure of what it is, it's a 4 team based game (red, yellow, green, blue - handyyy), with 4 different categories of challenge based on the colours (a word one, acting, humming/whistling and general knowledge). And you can have as many people as you like playing, as long as team sizes are pretty even! But even that's not important.
You can do it with just two teams, but you need a min. 4 people to play.

It gets way funnier than it should be after you've had a drink, but is good fun regardless. ^^


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:37 pm
by Ninja-lad
oh yes! cranium is awesome :D, throw beer into the mix and you have 1 hell of a fun filled evening or pure randomness xD

last time i played it no one could stop laughing at the stupidity of it all hehe :P

llamalan was totally awesome for my first time :D everyone was awesome even tho the tornaments were late they still kicked ass and it was just pure pwnage :D

hope everyone enjoyed it as much as i did :D MUW HA HA !


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:51 pm
by Nemesis
ok.. so i gave the lan an 8 out of 10... it would have been a 10 if there was internet i think.. but for now its an 8.

here are the + points:

friendly... great for socializing etc, evry1 was rly nice n friendly, which was great since i went there knowing absolutely nobody.

projector games - omfg that shit owned!! the friday night was awesome..

venue: seemed like a good location, nice to have a seperate place for sleep, projector and the LAN itself.. good parking aswell and it was even signposted!!

website - the website (though the cnc3 found afew bugs) was really great to have for the tournaments.. i was only in 1 tourney but it seemed to be really fast and easy to use for evrybody :).

network - was great all the way through, plugged in and evrything was fine, the cod 4 server hosted on Dave seemed really great aswell..

minidisc inccident was handled very well, well done for that...

admins own.. :) kannonfodder, cyberdrac, golem etc all really cool dudes and were v helpful with any problems with anything :D.

here are the - points... and suggestions:

no internet.. this really is a big problem.. i dont care much for online gaming when im at a LAN, but msn, email, youtube are all pretty important for me.. also if i had the internet i could have bought ut2k4 on steam 2 play with evry1 :p.

no internet... i said it twice because it really is very important! :p

size: although the LAN was not full.. i think an extra 2-4 seats per team would be really useful, it would mean that teams are big enough 2 ensure each team has enough players for team events such as cod 4, ut 2k4 etc.. and the more spaces there are free, the more likely that people will want to come :).. 50 people > 40 people :).

useage of the projector: i agree with whoever else it was earlier who said "use a projector to show live finals, tournament structures and LAN schedules.. just really good to always have information easily available.. and nothing is better for that than a huge-ass projector :D.

thats about all i can think of atm... i agree with whoever it was who said do a llamaroast and pub quiz etc.. the pub quiz could be done by teams to add more points to the whole teams thing (which btw is an awesome thing...the teams).

thx to evry1 for a great lan, cya at ll11 :D.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:02 pm
by Wufflez
Indeed, my first time at the lan was loads of fun! My team leader was both awesome and hot at the same time, which is always a bonus as having nothing but loads of men together gets boring =P

All hail girly attendees :oops: . More required for future events though, makes it more socially fun if you have a good mix of people, not just a horde of men with a couple of cuties mingling about.

Having said all that though I fully intend to go bag myself a hotty and bring her along to LLXI, providing she struggle too much, ahem :roll:


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:07 pm
by Ninja-lad
i did notice that now that you said that XD

hmmmm... getting a girleh is going to prove more challenging then any tornament that i have so far messed about with so meh xD

we might have to ask Angelus and DJ arcus how they did it if we can xD and get some l33t tips and pointers from them :P

har har! :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:18 pm
by Kanonfodda
well, if memory serves, dj met Er00 at a previous LlamaLAN, so if that isn't a good reason to come along, I don't know what is :D


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:43 pm
by CyberDrac
TaG]Nemesis wrote:ok.. so i gave the lan an 8 out of 10... it would have been a 10 if there was internet i think.. but for now its an 8.
A good starting place
TaG]Nemesis wrote:friendly... great for socializing etc, evry1 was rly nice n friendly, which was great since i went there knowing absolutely nobody.
Glad to hear that you made some new acquaintances
TaG]Nemesis wrote:projector games - omfg that shit owned!! the friday night was awesome..
Indeed it was, indeed it was ... and you didn't even see 10% of the stuff they can do ... we just can't squeeze it into a single weekend let alone a single night ... we'd love PG to do more, but even they'd admit that it would just destroy the LAN in the conventional sense, but somehow it wouldn't be the same without them there.
TaG]Nemesis wrote:venue: seemed like a good location, nice to have a seperate place for sleep, projector and the LAN itself.. good parking aswell and it was even signposted!!
As I said in previous replies, the venue is indeed awesome, it has a few limitations, but overall we're very happy with it, and equally important they are happy with us
TaG]Nemesis wrote:website - the website (though the cnc3 found afew bugs) was really great to have for the tournaments.. i was only in 1 tourney but it seemed to be really fast and easy to use for evrybody :).
Kanonfodda works REALLY hard on the site, with Golem perfecting the visual imagery and the look and feel it is a great site, I just point out the problems and come up with impossible stuff to implement ... which somehow KF always manages to do
TaG]Nemesis wrote:network - was great all the way through, plugged in and evrything was fine, the cod 4 server hosted on Dave seemed really great aswell..
Again, Kanonfodda's hard effort proving that if you put the effort in the results are excellent
TaG]Nemesis wrote:minidisc inccident was handled very well, well done for that...
I'll quickly gloss over that, but thanks
TaG]Nemesis wrote:admins own.. :) kannonfodder, cyberdrac, golem etc all really cool dudes and were v helpful with any problems with anything :D.
Don't forget LittleGem, Zodiack and Kryton, they may be quieter, but it all one big happy team
TaG]Nemesis wrote:here are the - points... and suggestions:
You mean that wasn't enough and we're only just starting the list ?!? ;)
TaG]Nemesis wrote:no internet.. this really is a big problem.. i dont care much for online gaming when im at a LAN, but msn, email, youtube are all pretty important for me.. also if i had the internet i could have bought ut2k4 on steam 2 play with evry1 :p.
As per previous replies, MSN and e-Mail, probably for next time, YouTube ... highly unlikely, and downloading UT2004 over Steam ... at 6Gb (Yes, it is really that much, at least I think it is ... I downloaded it at home over Steam just before the event) it couldn't practically be done within a 15Gb download limit whilst ensuring that every other need is met, you'll just have to do the bulk downloading before you get there
TaG]Nemesis wrote:no internet... i said it twice because it really is very important! :p
OK ... OK ... we get the hint ;) :P
TaG]Nemesis wrote:size: although the LAN was not full.. i think an extra 2-4 seats per team would be really useful, it would mean that teams are big enough 2 ensure each team has enough players for team events such as cod 4, ut 2k4 etc.. and the more spaces there are free, the more likely that people will want to come :).. 50 people > 40 people :).
We'd love to ... really we would ... but the power cannot take any more ... as you probably saw we could easily accommodate another two people per row, but by our calculations we're running close to the limit on power and I'd hate to have 48 people there and tell 8 of them they have to alternate having their machines turned on or go home
TaG]Nemesis wrote:useage of the projector: i agree with whoever else it was earlier who said "use a projector to show live finals, tournament structures and LAN schedules.. just really good to always have information easily available.. and nothing is better for that than a huge-ass projector :D.
We'll be looking to beg, borrow or steal a projector for that purpose for the next event, tournament info and schedules are definitely going to be included, we'll see if showing the finals is practical, we may have to use the stage projector for that since it would probably disturb the finalists and unless a delay is built into the coverage if could offer an unfair advantage ... but we'll look into doing something.
TaG]Nemesis wrote:thats about all i can think of atm... i agree with whoever it was who said do a llamaroast and pub quiz etc.. the pub quiz could be done by teams to add more points to the whole teams thing (which btw is an awesome thing...the teams). thx to evry1 for a great lan, cya at ll11 :D.
See you there!


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:47 pm
by Ripper
Well i just thought id add my 2 cents :) it was a great lan totally awsome i like some of the suggestions and ideas comming out for the next lan. I like the size and really an internet connection isnt required, we are there to play games not mess around on the web. saying that tho patches etc might be needed so maybe a connection, but usually someone has them.

A little more co-ordination when it comes to starting the games would be great, maybe get some more voice servers up on the next lan i had my teamspeak server up but i think one for each team on the server would deff be better... cant really find much fault with it at all was totally sweet...

pitty about that one guy getting sick but well handeld guys... and i think the one chance policy is cool next tourney he should be dry... but i wasnt really there when it all went down so.... :) and to be honest these things happen im sure it wont happen all that often...

Im sorry about the delays i caused in ut but i was suffering from total lack of sleep and needed a good kip.

The 1v1 competition was fierce yaz + dezz kudos to them for the rocking games.

im totally stoked about winning (YAY!!!!!!) and sweet prizes :)

hopefully u can get those pics up soon and yaz said he would hook up those games he recorded :) so yea was awsome guys keep it up.
10 out of 10

Ripper 0X


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:27 pm
by Pru
Well i thought this was another good lan, will start off with why i only gave it an 8 out of 10

No palm trees!!!! (ok i guess i just like inflateable things :P)
A big game of track mania would have been awesome but if it happend this lan i missed it :(
And i got a bit bored of rock band after a while, i really wanted to play some PG games but after friday it just didnt happen.

The things i liked was the UT tournie, even if the yellows did lose epicly (wheres the wooden spoons? :P)
Everyone being so nice as usual (this time i even rememberd people :o)
Even though i got bored after a while, rock band was fun to start with, took a while for my hands to realise what they were supposed to be doing though.

I think the mass pizza run/bbq could be a great idea for next event. Also another themed lan would be awesome, as llamalan 8 was fantastic (just dont let CD make the punch).
I also think more team games etc would be good, perhaps have something like a leader board and have each game the team wins, they get points and you get an overall winner, could have some social stuff on there too like Zodiak was saying. Could even have some team games on rock band/PG.

Thanks for running a great lan overall, next time we need more snails! (i'll also hopefully have a proper pc that i can acctualy game on)


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by Nemesis
Kanonfodda wrote:well, if memory serves, dj met Er00 at a previous LlamaLAN, so if that isn't a good reason to come along, I don't know what is :D
you just sold the next lan to me in that sentance..
Pru wrote: A big game of track mania would have been awesome but if it happend this lan i missed it :(
don't want to sound big headed... but i think evry1 would ragequit the trackmania after afew minutes on it with me :\.. i play that game ALOT!!

;p feel free to suggest a tmn tourney for the next lan tho ;D.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:59 pm
by Zodiack
I'm going to agree with much jumping, smiling and squee-ing at Pru's suggestion of another themed LAN.

We should use the palm trees more, yahhh. ^^
Maybe something to do with pirates. =D


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:13 pm
by Pru
Omg Pirate lan would be win! :o



Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:48 am
by Wufflez
I'll walk about wearing an eye patch with my cannon in my hand.

Wait, that came out wrong...