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Re: LlamaLAN 11 - The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:38 pm
by CyberDrac
PS ... +1 for being OK with a ticket cost increase to cover improved (duration and speed rather than scope) internet connection, it would also be worthwhile looking for voluntary donation towards a 'rent/buy' item of equipment 'x' for future event 'y' to cover some of the costs needed to turn LlamaLAN (insert number 12 or above) from a great LAN into something unparalleled in the know universe, where item 'x' could be ... upgrading the electrics / getting a better projector / getting a free standing projector screen and many many more

Re: LlamaLAN 11 - The Aftermath

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:22 am
by Zodiack
*slow as usual! :)*

I'm coo' with paying extra for extras! They're well worth a little extra money. :)

I have a good time everytime I'm here, I just wish I'd be listened to a teensy bit more by mah team. I'm quiet! D: Can't do the yelly thing properly. :)
Just so that we can be a bit more snappy when it comes to big team games. :)

Thankew all for a wunnerful time. :) And I hope to see most if not ALL of you next time! >)
