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Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:44 pm
by Haste
i done it at some stupid time in the morning, so its already done, im making sure to tell my friends to take off ut2004 so it goes down :) soz

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:15 pm
by Golem
Ugh, this again.

The idea of the list is to make sure we choose games that the majority of the attendees have access to, whatever it may be. Warsow is all the more likely if we find no other game meets the required 16 or more players.

If there are TWO games that are played by 16 or more, then we can make a decision based on what we've chosen in the past or by putting it to a final vote by poll in these forums. We've done this before.

In the case of the crazy TF2 vs. COD4 thing we had some LANs back, we chose neither because it was too spicey a subject.

As someone's already said, some games are more suited to a 1v1 tourny than others. L4D, for example, would never work, so even if that ended up in no.1 we'd never choose that as our 1v1 tourny game.

Just bear all this in mind when compiling your lists! Just tell us what you've got and we'll sort out the rest.

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:46 pm
by CyberDrac
Exactly what Golem says, there's no point 'voting down' UT2004 in favour of CoD4, I have both on my list, they aren't in competition, one is a team game the other is perfect for 1v1, it's a bit like me taking CoD4 off my list 'cos I want a Plants vs Zombies tournament.

edit 1: on a related note is it even worth considering CoD:MW2 since you can't run LAN servers without an Internet connection? If MPUK had problems running a tournament due to it's quirks then it sounds like a lot of hassle.

edit 2: If you think that coming and winning the tournament at a LlamaLAN is the most important thing about attending then I think that you may be missing out on the true essence of the event and some of the reasons why it's proved so popular.

edit 3: This manipulation of the games list and this sort of pointless bickering fanboiism has spoilt two events for me in the past, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd just like to play as many games as I can with as many people as possible rather than wander aimlessly between empty servers, and an accurate games list is the key to that.

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:23 pm
by SneakyRusski
I LOVE LLAMA LAN! <3 maaaaaayte, you dun wanna ruin tourneys for russki. now add games -.- x

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:11 pm
by Haste
im not manipluting, and when it comes down to it i dont actually own the game, its was my friends that i borrowed, and i think warsaw would be more even becuase nobody has like 3 years experience playing the game, unlike some who are really quite good at Ut2004, as you say, people come here to play have and have fun, my difinition of fun, isnt getting dommed by golem if end up with him in Ut2004 :)

ment in all niceness im not saying i wouldnt play ut2004 if it ended up as the 1v1

Edit: Has anybody looked at F.E.A.R multiplayer, i belive it can host land, bloody good game, mulitplayer is free download AND
it would be a good 1v1 tournament, and NOBODY, i dont think has must experince on it, so its an even playing feild

link: ... _locale=uk

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:28 pm
by Kanonfodda
Useful info on F.E.A.R. Combat - I've added it to the games list :)

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:16 pm
by CyberDrac
I already have FEAR, but I'm downloading and getting a key for the FEAR Combat game (just in case). I didn't want to come down to hard on anyone, and I get pwned by Golem as much as the next man unless the next man is Ripper or Dezz, I would equally support a random game that everyone has an opportunity to be equally poor at.

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:21 pm
by Kanonfodda
I've got a key and put the game on the LlamaLAN FTP server for the event :)

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:10 pm
by CyberDrac
Make sure that you get the 107 to 108 US patch which will be needed immediately after install since the auto downloader fails (I have it if you need it)

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:15 pm
by YaZoR
Haste wrote:i think warsaw would be more even becuase nobody has like 3 years experience playing the game
:roll: :wink:

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:07 pm
by Kanonfodda
CyberDrac wrote:Make sure that you get the 107 to 108 US patch which will be needed immediately after install since the auto downloader fails (I have it if you need it)
ahh, cheers for that. Got that as well now :)

Re: UT Tournement

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:55 am
by SneakyRusski
I blame yazor for ALL of this; if he wasnt so darn good...

we'd still have UT2004 ;) x