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Re: Research and how you can help!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:30 am
by Golem
rachey wrote:you mischievious lot!!!

If I like only half cakes, can I also have a piece of the secondary prize? :P
Yes you may! The secondary prize is a surprise!
LOL, too kind :)
rachey wrote:And do we have to pretend to be subject to ravagings from a zombie while trying to fill it out? And are you playing the part of that zombie?
Well if that would help you to get into the L4D2 mood whilst answering my questionnaire, I guess that can be arranged... *gets the Zoey outfit out again*
... I repeat, too kind! :)

Actually it would be quite interesting, if you are allowed to/prepared to, to see the results of your transcribing work, to see on paper the sorts of random noises we players during a game!

Re: Research and how you can help!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:36 am
by Sykodelika
Noises people make during a game? In this house it's called swearing :D

If I make a cake that talks, can I write a presentation on it? Or leave it to go so mouldy it develops sentience and learns english?

Re: Research and how you can help!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:00 pm
by rachey
Hahahaha yes ofc I can show you transcripts!! In fact, as part of being in my data I must give this option to my participants.. i think!
Although at the moment the only one i've started transcribing for L4D2 is one with fleep and fly and trish so it is literally just a load of swearing!!!

Here's a part that I showed Fly and Fleep from it:
Fly: oh my god you guys are frigged (pause) I got the sexiest beautiful hunter spot ever right here
Fl: alright hes got a hunter ready to pounce us so keep moving guys keep moving help me but keep moving please
Fly: oh you (pause) FUCK fuck that’s it
Fl: take it easy man
Fly: [inaudible] no you guys are cheating
Fl: im gonna go down guys
T: I know
Fl: but not in a good way
Fly: (laugh) not in a good way

and Jen, don't talk to me about mouldy food... oh my GOD! mouldy fruit is out to get me
and I suppose so :P

Re: Research and how you can help!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:18 pm
by Sykodelika
Unadventurous! Those little flies round fermenting fruit add a lovely protein-y crunch!

Also fermenting fruit = free alcohol!