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Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:39 pm
by Wufflez
I won't be making it... tad busy catching up on sleep heh.

Also, I work for a tandoori take away in the evening delivering for them, already have too much of it =P

Gonna try get a new job though, don't like working in the evenings anymore.. was fine for a couple of months, but I wanna change that before christmas, get my gaming time back.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:07 am
by =|MAD|=EvO
Just found out I can't make it :( gutted

Sorry for the short notice but only found out today I have a family thing to go to.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am
by LittleGem
Yeah, unless anyone can lend me £20 i can't make it either as I haven't got any spare cash. Dont know where CD is getting his money from but i dont plan to go into an overdraft or get a credit card as ive never had either and dont wish to start now. CD has obviously found a money tree and hiding it!

Have fun guys! If anyone can lend me £20 i can pay it back when I get paid on 24th Oct. xx

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:57 am
by CyberDrac
OK, LG has reconsidered and has decided to join us, but it looks like 'us' is just the three of us, Autarkus, CyberDrac, and LittleGem. I still fancy a night out but if Autarkus was to reconsider spending and afternoon/evening I'll understand ;)
We could always rearrange it for another weekend end when we can get a few more bodies, maybe even send out a mailer about it.
Anyway, unless I hear otherwise we'll be in the Alexandra from 6.30ish and we'll see who turns up :)


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:51 pm
by CyberDrac
In case of emergencies call 07976 431620


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:33 pm
by Autarkus
If it's just me and you two, there doesn't seam to be much point in a sit-down meal-
that leaves either going for a couple in the Alex, or cancelling - tbh, my other half's out today, and I'm not comfortable leaving the house empty after dark (We've had the police out 3 times this week- bastard kids throwing stuff, shouting abuse and trying to kick my door in)..

Sorry, but it's just the three of us, then it's just the two of you :(
(and Robin Hood's on ! )

I'll check back later, but I'm not leaving this place empty to get attacked if it's just you me and LG :|

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:24 pm
by CyberDrac
OK ... it looks like it's a postponement until we can gather a few more people together.

We'll keep the thread open and see who might be interested at an event in the future.

I'm still in the mood for a curry, so we'll probably order something in from Spice Court (our local curry house).

Damn shame though, I'd been working up an appetite for this all week! :(