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Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:28 pm
by Ripper
ok sweet 0X

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:14 pm
by evilgangsta
In case you have not noticed the lovely admins, have made 2v2 CNC a tourny in the tournaments section, so find a team mate create a clan for the 2v2 and join up peeps use this post to find a team mate if you haven't got one.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:16 pm
by Kanonfodda
or better yet, use the recruiting forum ;)

also, I did mention this in the RTS tournament thread earlier :D

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:06 am
by Nemesis
you gotta increase the limit for the 1vs1, me and my m8 legoman want to play... i play this game loads(just check my xfire), so it'd be rly gay if i didnt get to enter..

i dont see why you cant increase it and then put freewins in the un-used slots..

2vs2 is rubbish and just unit spamming.. not so skill based... there should be a torunament for 2vs2, but the 1vs1 tournament should be the main 1..

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:12 am
by Kanonfodda
I've had this argument too many times already.

there is not enough time for a 16 way 1vs1 CnC3 tournament

freewins will just cause even more whinging...

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:15 am
by CyberDrac
To expand on that answer slightly ...

... based on their experience they really only have a single day in the event to squeeze in the majority of the tournaments and big games, this is the Saturday. Attempts to run organised events, games and tournaments on the Friday have generally failed miserably due to late arrivals and insufficient numbers, Sunday is only slightly better since people quite often have to pack up early to fit in their travel time.

Priority is given to the most popular games based on a community vote, other less popular games are fitted in around this. Based on their previous experience they gauged that they had sufficient time for a sixteen way double elimination, and a four way league based structure. This is how they ended up with their main UT2004 based tournaments, with the return of 1v1 DM and Onslaught. Popular demand encouraged them to attempt to fit in some more games in addition to this, with TF2 and CoD4 being so closely tied they decided to run both as clan based league structures for those who wanted to participate. When faced with the rebellion against the popular community choices of FPS games the RTS community persuaded them to squeeze in one more tournament for the most popular voted RTS, and this is how the eight way double elimination was brought into being, once they realised that more than eight players had demonstrated interest in playing then to give people a chance to play a full weekend of matches they expanded it to give those players a chance at a game.

The aim of tournaments and big games at a LlamaLAN is not like a traditional LAN, it is not to prove who is the best player, it is about giving people a chance to play games they want in a competitive environment with the added bonus of a few token prizes at the end.

They expanded from a two tournament event which is what we expected to be comfortably able to manage, to a four tournament event to stretch ourselves, to a five tournament event, this will be a logistical challenge at the best of times without making the CnC3 tournament even longer.

The staff who work at these events do so at their own cost, they do not get paid, and they even pay for their own seats and LlamaLAN merchandise, they attend these events to enjoy them as much as anyone and are even allowed to sleep at some point over the weekend.

They hope to put on a spectacular event and squeeze as much gaming in as is humanly and practically possible, but you'll just have to trust their experience in making these judgements.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:27 am
by evilgangsta
I fail to see why 2v2 is less skilled than 1v1 but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:48 am
by YaZoR
TaG]Nemesis wrote:you gotta increase the limit for the 1vs1, me and my m8 legoman want to play... i play this game loads(just check my xfire), so it'd be rly gay if i didnt get to enter..
2vs2 is rubbish and just unit spamming.. not so skill based... there should be a torunament for 2vs2, but the 1vs1 tournament should be the main 1..
Come on man, you can't start dictating what should be done purely because you've played the game a lot and want to play. Everyone had a chance to enter, where were you when all the games were voted for?

As KF said, there just isn't time. The last UT2K4 tourney started at about 8 and finished at 2am-ish.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:52 am
by Golem
Nemesis, you and your buddy should just team up and show us how it's done! ;)

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:45 pm
by Nemesis
ok, i understand now that the time is a big issue ^^..

but 2vs2 really is alot worse.. but better than nothing :)..

personally i think 1 extra round wouldn't be hard to fit in since half the matches would be freewins and an average game on cnc3 lasts less than 30 minutes.. but your 100% correct, you guys have run this LAN for several years and i guess have learnt what you can and can't do with the time..

oh.. and as i said before.. i wasn't here for the voting process because i was intending on going to the latest iseries LAN up in Coventry which clashed with this.. but i cancel'd after deciding it wasn't worth the money :p.

i will just scavenge 1vs1's off evry1 :D.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:58 am
by CyberDrac
i34 at Stoneleigh Park is over the weekend of the 9th to the 12th of August, the weekend before. For future reference we have never clashed with any of the major LANs around the country, we will always try and avoid clashes with i-Series, StratLANs, CLUKs and a few others simply because it is against our best interests to do so and personally I like to attend some of these events too :). I'm sure you would have had a great time at i34, but that's the difference between big LANs like that and small LANs like ourselves, we don't make a living off the events, whereas Multiplay Staff have to, and if you look at the difference in potential prizes you start to get a feel for where the costs creep up. I doubt that we could arrange a LAN for 2000 people at much less cost than Multiplay do, even if we chose not to take a profit from it.

As far as the idea that most of the first rounds would be free wins to the next round, in addition to the 8 people who had already secured slots in the 1v1 there was a list of interested parties being kept on the forums

1. Joosebug
2. Dragon
3. Ripper
4. Kanonfodda
5. adam.fielder
6. Nemesis
7. Nemesis' Mate

This would have give us 15 out of the potential 16 players and would have meant a single free win in the first round and would have gained us little or no extra time benefit, it may well have only made half an hours playing time difference, but with everything else going on it's going to be a full day anyway.

Unfortunately we are already planning the first event of next year but since neither MultiplayUK nor CentraLANUK have published next year's dates we're hoping that we don't clash, we've avoided the 12th of April since that is the traditional Easter weekend of the i-Series, but we'll just have to see what the others come up with. The date of the next LAN will be announced as soon as it is confirmed, or at LlamaLAN 10 which ever is the later.


Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:31 am
by Nemesis
hmm its strange, im sure when i looked at going to LL10 right when it was announced it clashed with something... if it wasnt i34 then i really don't know what it was ^_^... nice to know that you guys try to avoid clashes.. and i understand what running small LAN's are like, ive ran 2 of my own small lans with 21 people and 29 people... so i know what its like to some extent :).

nvm, its ok, im cool with w/e you decide on :).

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:45 am
by Kanonfodda
Half the teams are now signed up for the CnC3 tournament, if the rest of you want to get yourselves sorted, then we can close off the 1v1! :D

come on guys, lets get that tree ready to go before the LAN starts.

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:55 am
by Wufflez
Who wants to be my conquering partner, and how do we form the team?

Re: C&C3 1v1

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:58 am
by CyberDrac
Go to the recruiting forum, beg for assistance, form a clan under the 'My Clans' section of your profile and invite the other person to join, then you can join the tournament with that clan.

a. Go to your profile
b. Go to "My Clans"

a. "Add a New Clan"
b. Name the clan i.e. "Me and my mates clan"
c. Give it a short name/tag i.e. [MaMM]
d. Add a description of the clan i.e "formed just to play in the CnC3 tournament"
e. Password it so that only invited guests can join i.e "letmein"

a. Locate the new clan in the list
b. Go into the clan details by clicking on it's link
c. Either tell you new clan member the password and ask them to join or if they are a marked as a merc invite them through the invite tab.