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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:33 pm
by CyberDrac
With less than 24 hours to go this is a quick update to let you know the news since the last mailer, and to fill you in on the plans for the weekend.

We are pleased to announce that after five and half hours of painstaking work by Lyn of we have the t-shirts completed, and my oh my do they look fine! Golem\'s design looks better than ever on the shirts, and those people who have placed their orders should be absolutely made up with their purchases.

We have a timetable which will be available on your desks at the event, we hope that you will study it and set your alarm clocks accordingly so that you can get involved with the \'Big Games\' , there is plenty of Free For All time so that you can get on with smaller games of your own preference, and of course we have some special ProjectorGames and social time, especially on the Saturday night, at that point the LlamaLAN crew will hand over the reigns to Pru and Er00 who will endeavour to entertain us for the evening.

Thing to remember! There is always a long list of bits and pieces that you need to bring to a LAN, but here is a little reminder ...

Your computer (if it isn\'t yours then ask the owner\'s permission before borrowing it)
Power cables for the above (obvious but I\'ve forgotten them in the past)
Joystick or other gaming controller (if you have one or need one)
An installed and working network card with an RJ45 type connector (I have a few available if you don\'t have one)
Patch Lead (we have plenty but bring one if you want to, you never know, we might run out)
Headphones (No speakers are permitted, the noise generated is too much to bear)
Mains adaptor (4-way minimum) - enough for your PC, monitor, joystick & mobile charger
Game CD\'s (you never know when you need to re-install)
System CD\'s (in case something dreadful happens and you need to reformat/reinstall)
Appropriate clothing to last the duration of the event: bring stuff for any weather - we never know what the building environmental controls will be set to!
Shower gel and/or soap
Razor (if applicable)
Shaving foam (if applicable)
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Bedding: Inflatable mattress or roll mat along with a sleeping bag and a pillow. Double sized beds may be deflated by angry people trying to find some space to sleep!
Munchies: an absolute must

... and for the under 18s, don\'t forget a completed, signed permission form.

In a similar vein, make sure your machine\'s operating system, games, and anti virus are up to date before you arrive. In the case of games, if you are unsure what to patch to then bring along a clean installation of the game and patch it from the FTP to what everyone else at the LAN has. The obvious warning goes out to participants who wish to play games over \'Steam\', it must be ready for \'off-line\' play mode because we have no Internet connection. This will involve starting Steam, downloading all updates outstanding, running each game, if necessary go on-line and join a server to make sure, and then shutting Steam down. You can then check to see if it will work by disconnecting yourself from the Internet and testing each game in turn. If you do not do this then your Steam games WILL NOT RUN, because they cannot authorise your account

Remember the tournament will be played using BATTLEFIELD 2 ... if you want to play you will need this installed, there is a PC World nearby if you need any urgent bits of software or hardware.

To find us we suggest you refer to the map which is available for download from the LlamaLAN 6 Gallery.

Any last minute questions can be placed in the forums which we will be monitoring and on the QuakeNet IRC channel #llamalan.

Oh and for those which are paying on the door for spectators and t-shirts ... remember your money!

See you there

Kanonfodda, CyberDrac, LittleGem, and Kryton.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:18 pm
by -Fatman
On the map it should be A229 not A228, either that or im reading it wrong.

Dont want people ending up lost in strood do we :D

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:41 pm
by CyberDrac
Well spotted, it has been corrected in my original, but I can't upload it, so everyone please not that the road up from Maidstone should read A229 NOT A228 which is a parallel road but will bring you up in Strood which is well off the map.

Thanks for spotting that


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:00 pm
by amitk
oh crap... if anyone is reading this before or during the event, i wll not be able to come due to some things (my dad).... if i do come (which is very unlikely) it will be later or even tomorrow.
Sorry, Amit