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Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:38 am
by Bigboss
Hi guys!

im new to this forum however i've been reading your forums and checking your site regularly for a while now! Work permitting im planning to attend LlamaLAN 10 however i have a few questions which im hopeing you could answer!

1) What games are usually played at LlamaLANs? im a cod4 player myself and am into most FPS games. Do you play alot of these? if so what ones?

2) I live in Bromley (about 45mins away from llama lan) but dont drive! Im hoping to learn to drive and pass way before august but incase i dont whats the nearest train station to llama lan and is it easy to get from the train station to the lan? failing that do any of the regular llama lan attendees come via bromley?

3) local shops? are there any? what kinda options are there for food etc :)

I think thats all for now :D Thanks for your help :D

Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:52 am
by Kanonfodda
Hi Bigboss, welcome to the forums :)
Bigboss wrote:1) What games are usually played at LlamaLANs? im a cod4 player myself and am into most FPS games. Do you play alot of these? if so what ones?
This is a question we get asked a lot :) Bascially, we play what you guys want to play. When you sign up for an event, the games you have set in your profile give us an idea of what people want to play. So if lots of people want to play COD4, we will do our best to ensure some games of COD4. Equally, people are welcome to play whatever they like on the network. I'm sure D3th will be in touch with you soon, as he is a keen COD4 player. There was plenty of that taking place at LL9.

Other games were UT2k4, UT3 and Warsow, but pretty much anything is fair game :D
Bigboss wrote:2) I live in Bromley (about 45mins away from llama lan) but dont drive! Im hoping to learn to drive and pass way before august but incase i dont whats the nearest train station to llama lan and is it easy to get from the train station to the lan? failing that do any of the regular llama lan attendees come via bromley?
Nearest station is probably chatham, we can arrange for one of the admins to come and pick you up (has been done before). There may also be people heading past your neck of the woods on their way to attend, so post in the transport forum and see what people say :D
Bigboss wrote:3) local shops? are there any? what kinda options are there for food etc :)
There is a newsagent about 10 minutes walk away, with a Co-op a little further (bout 15 minutes, unless you brave the woods :D ). we also have chinese and indian close by, with pizza shops etc as well. So food is no problem :)

if you want a larger supermarket, there is Asda and Morrisons about 10 minutes drive away, I'm sure you can persuade someone to take you down, or just tag along when someone goes :)

hope all that helps and look forward to seeing you there :D


Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:08 pm
by Bigboss
Thanks KF! Think thats answered everything :D I just need to fight with the powers that be at work to get that weekend off!

Do you guys offer co-location for servers? i have a server (old pc really) that i normally take to the i-series lans and co-lo! Do you guys offer this? :D

Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:16 pm
by Kanonfodda
we don't offer a "co-loc" service, as multiplay do, simply as we have never needed to.

Other people have brought servers along and just plugged them in, you are welcome to do this, or you can put it with our servers on the main switch. either is good.

all I ask is that you make sure it is setup for DHCP and ICS/RAS is turned off if enabled (buggers the network) :)

Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:47 pm
by CyberDrac
To be honest, there are enough high spec machines floating around that hosting a game isn't usually an issue, especially with a maximum for 40 participants there, but as KF said if you feel the need then bring it along then it isn't a particular issue. We generally host big games on our own servers, and outside of those big games it's pretty ad hoc, although if the two servers we run aren't being used for anything then people can request that they use them (as long as we know what people are likely to want and have the server software for that particular game set up and ready to run).

PS ... Welcome! ... *psszt* choose Red ... you know you want to ;)


Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:13 pm
by D3TH
Awww COD4, well what can i say, apart from the timeless bitching on forums i had to do to get it played at LL 9 i successed and still got to keep my beer.

I play alot of COD4 and there was some people at LL9 with it so there was alot of COD4 going on, but i did play alot of other games if my "Steam" felt like working

I should be going to LL10.... just keep out for my "Lan Beer offer" which is a great offer... if you owe and place a game in the profile which i like then you get a free beer...... i did it for LL9 and i got to keep my beer :D

LL9 was my FIRST ever lan.. was really fun, people are great so going to the shop or getting something to eat shouldn't be a problem really...

Re: Interested in Going :)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:57 pm
by Bigboss
Cool :D Thanks for all your replies! i will have to see whether i can get the weekend off and come down :D