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Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:05 pm
by evilgangsta
Hey all,
Im really glad that the attendees has been expanded, but considering that last time we ran well into Sunday, im worried there wont be time for more tournaments and increasing the 1v1 numbers.

Re: Time

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:16 pm
by CyberDrac
You may recall from a mailer many moons ago the schedule for LlamaLAN 10 ...
  • Projector Games will be providing some excellent entertainment for all present, including any spectators. You have to try it to appreciate how much fun this is. :)
  • 18:00 - The Call of Duty and Command & Conquer 3 tournaments will begin.
  • 10:00 - The Team Fortress 2 Clan Tournament will begin.
  • 13:00 - The BIG team tournament on UT2004 Onslaught will begin, pitting the four team colours against each other across a number of environments.
  • 13:00 - At the same time, the BIG solo tournament on Unreal Tournament 2004 will begin.
  • 14:00 - The Prize Giving Ceremony!
Now, my recollection of that event recalls that the only event to significantly over run was the CnC3 tournament where several people were still playing at mid afternoon on the Sunday as the rest of the LAN were tidying up.
That tournament started at 6PM on the Friday, and had all weekend to complete the necessary ( potential 14, actual 8 ) matches, admittedly we could have chivvied up the teams more, which coincidentally is my main role at LlamaLAN XI, but a lot of the over run can be placed to people not checking the schedule and fitting in the matches. To aid people with this we are introducing a new front page for the LAN intranet which will highlight matches which need to be played.

[edit] Something that has just been pointed out to me is that LL10 was the first event to use self-managed tournaments for clans and individuals, as such was slightly experimental, that said the majority of tournaments ran pretty smoothly. [/edit]

LlamaLAN XI will add a single tournament (AudioSurf) above and beyond the types of tournaments played at LLX, this will be a "team on the stage" game and so shouldn't affect the scheduling at all. All of the remaining games will operate on similar if not identical timings to the equivalents at the last event. The one exception will be the Unreal Tournament 2004 1v1 which we are hoping will expand to 32 places, which, in a double elimination format, will only add a single extra round to the structure which can run concurrently adding only 20 to 30 minutes to that tournament.

As I mentioned earlier there are two thing which should prevent an over run like last time ...

1. Me ... I will be "Tournament Manager" and will be pursuing the late running matches relentlessly
2. The LAN Hub ... should highlight which matches you should be playing

Hopefully this will allay your fears about the upcoming schedule, we have learned from our mistakes and have made adjustments to improve the situation for this event.

Re: Time

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:30 pm
by evilgangsta
Cool like I said to you before (i think) llx certainly missed you as the shouty organising person that you were at ix

Re: Time

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:42 pm
by CyberDrac
evilgangsta wrote:Cool like I said to you before (i think) llx certainly missed you as the shouty organising person that you were at ix
Yes, the shouty person is back! Thank you for your kind words, after my sabbatical at the last event (which didn't exactly work out to be a total break) I'm back in force :D