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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:10 pm
by Nemesis
i dont suppose there is any chance of me getting some web access on saturday??

i got a rly import tournament on saturday and i think if i cant play my clan would tell me i cant go to llamalan :/ if there is any chance of internat if only for 3-4 hours i'd be very greatful..

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:26 pm
by D3TH
PM KD maybe you might get a faster response!

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:43 pm
by Kanonfodda
Nemesis wrote:i got a rly import tournament on saturday and i think if i cant play my clan would tell me i cant go to llamalan :/
I would tell my clan to go fuck themselves if they even ATTEMPTED that with me ;) it's your life, do what you want.

As for net access, there won't be enough bandwidth I'm afraid :(

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:45 pm
by D3TH
Kanonfodda wrote:
Nemesis wrote:i got a rly import tournament on Saturday and i think if i cant play my clan would tell me i cant go to llamalan :/
I would tell my clan to go fuck themselves if they even ATTEMPTED that with me ;) it's your life, do what you want.

As for net access, there won't be enough bandwidth I'm afraid :(
yeah its abit hard when they pay for your lans and hardware and give you alot of support

i was in the same boat from tekn1k and darkstyle.. if your manger wants you to do something.. you gotta do it.. if you don't you can get alot of shit done on ya for example the one we used to get in darkstyle is fines from your prize money.. and i am sure nemesis will tell you.. its in the contract.. they can take what ever they want :(

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:53 pm
by Nemesis
yea.. pretty much what death said.. im at a professional level of gaming on trackmania.. hell.. go pick up a copy of custom pc magazine and there is a 3 page article about 4kings and dignitas. Im not allowed to disclose contract details.. but yea.. unless i can play the tournament at llamalan then i guess i cant come :s. Trackmania doesnt need much bandwidth at all, it'd run fine on half a mb internet..

if there was a trackmania tourney at llamalan it'd be different coz they would be the ones paying for it, but it comes out of my own money because its just a "fun" lan..

i have responsabilities to my team and their sponsors to represent them on trackmania in any event that comes up that they wish me to enter. and the ESL Major Series UK qualifiers is 1 of those events. :\ idc if i only have net for 3 hours.. but i really need it if i can come to llamalan..

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:05 pm
by evilgangsta
As KF said id tell em to go Fuck themselves gaming is for fun unless its paying you enough to live on.

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:15 pm
by Nemesis
well.. last year i earned afew thousand + a trip to the USA, France and Norway to represent the UK..

and this year looks set to be even better.. if i want to make a living from it im in the team that will make it happen.. i'd rly like for there to be internet just for afew hours.. coz i dnt wanna have to cancel coming.. or risk my contract in a team tht gives me alot of nice things.. so i'd just like to know if its possible.. thats all.. if not then i guess ima have to have some long discussions with my teams management to decide what to do.

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:17 pm
by Kanonfodda
the net connection will not be able to support gaming, it's that simple. Sorry mate

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:21 pm
by Nemesis
ok, thanks anyway..

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:24 pm
by evilgangsta
You live pretty close couldn't you nip home play in your match then come back.
Or i know some people had those dongle things last time could see if someone can hook u up.

Out of interest did you just forget you had a tournament or was it just organised.

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:35 pm
by Nemesis
it was organised about 1 week ago.. and ive only just got back from a big tournament in norway.. so i was busy with that, didnt have time to check and see if there were any new events planned..

also.. i cant rly nip home for 2 reasons.. #1 my mum is giving me a lift and im sure she wouldnt be pleased to double her number of journeys to and from the LAN.. and 2ndly my PC is huge, heavy and annoying to move.. there is ofc an option of coming late, but that doesnt make much sense since my mum is giving ska a lift to the LAN aswell.. and i cant turn around and tell him that he can't go now..

hopefully they will let me off.. since i've been so busy the past 3 weeks with LAN's and tournaments that they might decide that i need a rest instead of training like crazy for another 3 days for the tournament.. especially since the other players in my team have trained for it for a week already.

is there wireless available in the area then?

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:39 pm
by Kanonfodda
only 3g, which is a pain :( unfortunately they turned down the option of a connection from telewest some years ago :(

3g won't support gaming afaik, hence my having to decline your request. I would defiantly ask them to let you off this one, as they only just told you etc ;)

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:55 pm
by evilgangsta
Yeah just say you have already made plans and that you are giving a mate a lift so cant just bail.

Not being funny but if my work asked me to come in this weekend id tell em no as I already have plans.

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:04 pm
by Nemesis
yea.. i just spoke with him.. hes kinda sad and said if possible i rly should enter, but hes not too fussed since i performed good in norway.

Re: Internet??

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:16 pm
by Golem
I am surprised such pressure was put on you for something that was arranged only a week ago, but I don't know what such a contract looks like.

At least you've sorted it out anyway.