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UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:50 am
by Doglin
Hello All

I was just lookin through the past events and the tournament held for the previous lans and would wondering if I could make a suggestion for a tournament. In my UT2k4 days I used to play the mod called Instagib, many of you might know of it, instakill shock rifle being the only weapon. This was great to play in CTF or just TDM/DM alone and think it would be good mod to use in a tournament as it really comes down to weapon firing skill and pinpoint accuracy.

It just a suggestion but i think instagib would be good tournament material and im not just saying that because ive got experience in it :)
for any of you ut players out there, if you haven't already, you must try this brilliant gametype its well worth it.


Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:28 am
by Kanonfodda
Hi Doglin,

one of the primary factors of LlamaLAN is to keep the events fun. We looked at various mutators for tournament play but in the end kept them out to keep the tournaments fun for everyone who played, regardless of skill level. Instagib can be fun, but in a tournament setting it leads to 20-0 wins forthe people with more skill/experieince (or just blind luck). This then means that people do not want to take part at the next event (or even just quitting the tournament half way through).

Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:58 pm
by Andy
Instagib is good fun in a big CTF game, with everyone involved!

Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:37 pm
by Kanonfodda
Instagib is only fun if you are a good shot ;)

otherwise it is frustrating as hell and people will just give up half way through.

Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:29 pm
by Zodiack

I suck - anything I manage to hit in any form of FPS is pure luck. Rarely, if ever, skill.
I like the one with the bastard swords in the original UT.
That makes me feel like I can achieve. :P

But, I'm eternally optimistic, so I'm just there for the lolz. :)

Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:39 pm
by CyberDrac
Personally I don't like InstaGib in Tournament play, most of us only join in to make up the numbers and find that single shot kills suck all the joy out of playing ... on the other hand ... SIXTEEN PLAYER MINIGUN INSTAGIB ON DM_GAEL IS MORE FUN THAN TWO LLAMAS IN A SACK!

Re: UT Instagib

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:03 pm
by YaZoR
I'll be running a Q3A instagib server. Publicly available to all (and I've fixed the slow download issue this time).
To get your share of instagib action.