Greetings and salutations!

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Greetings and salutations!

Post by MackTee »

Hi all.
Like a few of us here I've been recruited by King_Clueless (is he on commission or something?) and have come to join in your little get-together next month.
I know a few ppl here from the Lanarchy boards (Snessy, K_C & bsoltan) and after a long break from proper gaming (Real-Life been getting in the way) I need to get back into it.

Great to see LAN-ning isn't dead yet, and everyone hasn't gone over to the consoles.

Looking forward to next month, but the only problem is due to work I may not be able to get there till the Friday evening - won't be a problem will it?
Might just miss the UT&HL2DM tourneys.

But on the plus side I will be supplying my own goatee for the event!
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by Golem »

Friday evening is fine, you MAY miss the start of the HL2DM but it depends when you arrive. You might just make it :)

I noticed you posted two intros, and just to confound me, it's like playing spot the difference. I hope I picked the right one to approve and make public. ;)

Alex has done a marvellous job as LlamaMissionary. His city should be most proud - but now you all have got to decide which of you can join his side and which of you are gonna rebel. ;)

More importantly, I'm really looking forward to LL15 all the more cos so many new faces are joining us. I hope you get to see what makes LlamaLANs that little bit.. different? and worthwhile even for a LAN! See you sir. o>
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by MackTee »

Yeah I posted the first message, didn't see it come up so posted it again...and then saw the note about moderators.
D'oh! <face-palm>

Just go need to pick a team to inflict my noobishness on now....
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by Kanonfodda »

Welcom MackTee :D

Apologies for the moderation, having an issue with botspam atm. I've removed the duplicate of this topic, no point in having two :)

I look forward to meeting you in a few weeks time! :D
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by chrisakira »

welcome mack, to the insanity that is Llamalan. i'v only bin here since january but have felt very welcome by all the guys on here and have even managed to get a few games in with some of them which have been nothing but a laugh and all gone very well (shhhhh golem =P)
anyways welcome again, and look forward to meeting you along with everyone else in a months time (its comin up quick now)


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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by Sykodelika »

Join blue! We're awesome and full of win! Green are *ok* i suppose but do you wanna be on an ok team or a bloody awesome one?

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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by Golem »

Hehe, this happens every time someone new appears making 'hmmmm which team?' noises!

But, if it helps your decision on who is 'awesome'...

Image thumbnail

Good luck :mrgreen:

edit: Great choice, it's a toughie predicting who's gonna take the win this time. :)
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by CyberDrac »

Wise choice ... Welcome to Red ... Red is the colour of the Fez ... therefore Red is Cool ... (so are Stetsons)
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by king_clueless »

I'm really pleased to see MackTee is joining us. Another great guy and I know along with Snessy and bsoltan, he'll get loads out of LlamaLAN :)

You guys just wait till the 4am Armargetron battles. OMG they shouldn't be so funny but they are.

OMG we're so close now, I need LlamaLAN bad! :D
brain damage won't stop me!

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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by bsoltan »

Hey MackTee, nice to see some more recognisable names! :)
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by MackTee »

Thanks all.
Sounds like it's going to be a laugh and a half!

As for teams, well as they say "Better Red than Dead"!

Just have to remember how to play DoW now...
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Re: Greetings and salutations!

Post by rachey »


clueless really did a good job of recruiting! He should definitely get a reward!!! :mrgreen:
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