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Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:32 am
by Golem
We thought space was the final frontier, turns out it's the digital frontier that is stuffed with curious anomalies and lost information!

With several new instances of Green Team llamas, I invite KF/Syk/Kryton (whoever holds index 0 on team 0000FF) to welcome all former Green players who overflow our team's buffer (if they choose to walk this path ;)) or are desperate to sit next to their mates without any space left. Perhaps just a small aisle between you and your buddy is sufficient - At least this way you aren't further away then we can throw an After Eighth Bit. ;)

Appropriately, Team Green 00FF00 + Team Blue 0000FF = TRON COLOUR TEAM GRUE 00FFFF!!! :mrgreen:

Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:58 am
by MikeyTWolf
I approve!

Oh, and what's this? Red? Yellow? Now I don't know but those look like the colour of a VIRUS! Making deadly LAVA ORANGE.

Haha yes! Teams within Teams! We must go Deeper!

Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:11 am
by Sykodelika
Happy to recieve players from green, as long as proper tribute is paid (don't fart on me) :)

Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:52 am
by SneakyRusski
Light cycles ? I heard the battle cry... :O

Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:40 pm
by YaZoR
SneakyRusski wrote:Light cycles ? I heard the battle cry... :O
And the band was.....

Re: Hybrid of team source codes 00FF00+0000FF=00FFFF

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:19 pm
by node
Before you know it they'll stage a coup and we'll have twe green teams. WATCH YOUR BACKS.