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Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:41 pm
by Kanonfodda
Hi all, thanks again for helping us to make this LlamaLAN another great event :)

Any feedback, please post it here for us :)

Re: Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:37 am
by ilumos
First of all, thanks to everyone for being so friendly. Seriously, LL21 was the friendliest LAN I've ever been to, which I was a little surprised about as you guys seem to be a very close knit community :)

Good stuff:
- Very friendly atmosphere
- KF letting us plug in our server
- The big 2142 match - surprisingly close!
- Finding other quake players and having great matches
- Playing gang beasts
- The 3v3 hockey? game
- Delicious pizza order - thanks for organising it!
- Ample sleeping space
- No power, network or internet outages
- Full gigabit network - hells yeah
- Hall did not get stinky - good ventilation!
- Good uptake of voice chat
- Swapping steam details with everyone at the end

Bad stuff:
- No showers
- Lack of bog roll on saturday night
- Couldn't post shouts
- Would have liked to have larger teams on 2142, as it's a great game when played with lots of people
- Limited music choice on jukebox
- As a first time LlamaLANer, finding the venue on Friday was difficult as the site was down

All in all, great LAN guys - see you at the next one! (budget permitting)

Re: Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:59 pm
by Kanonfodda
ilumos wrote: - No showers
this is unfortunately a known problem that the scouts are unwilling to do anything about :(
ilumos wrote: - Lack of bog roll on saturday night
Unusual for u to completely run out, but we will be more diligent at 22 :)
ilumos wrote: - Couldn't post shouts
Can you let me know as much information as possible on this so I can take a look and hopefully make sure you can post shouts in the future :)
ilumos wrote: - Would have liked to have larger teams on 2142, as it's a great game when played with lots of people
Again, this is a long running problem and we have historically had issues fielding larger teams :(
ilumos wrote: - Limited music choice on jukebox
there are 33k tracks on the jukebox, can you be a bit more descriptive? what sort of music would you like to see on there (no promises)
ilumos wrote: - As a first time LlamaLANer, finding the venue on Friday was difficult as the site was down
This won't be an issue in future as the site should be staying online throughout.

Thanks for the feedback, always welcome and we will endeavor to improve in the areas mentioned where possible :)

Re: Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:01 pm
by jobabob
Would definitely echo the positives of Ilumos, glad to be back after so long (last one was LL15!) and the event has come on so much the difference was pretty stunning.

I remember the days of LL11 where the big-game spirit was truly felt with the rock band setup (and my atrocious singing), but then I squandered that myself at LL12 by completing Borderlands with Andy^... I can see why its so difficult with such a small group to really get the big games going. I have been to smaller LANs like Epic Lite that do somehow manage it, scheduled game times can help but I'm sure you have tried all this in all the LLs so far with varying degrees of success.

Anyway, main thing to mention for me would be to add some kind of lamp or something to the stage area with the projectors so it can host both cards players and people who wish to game - the lights drowned out any chance of playing and social games and socialising are what LANs are all about for me really!

Also, I know the speakers aren't that powerful, but I think a few people (golem) may have had reservations about being so close to them, have you considered relocating them to the room corners or elevating them? Epic uses a fair bit of crap during the day but they also field a lot of dance music, anything instrumental with a good beat that can serve in the background well. I sat next to a speaker but didn't mind that much because it wasn't a lot of awful pop crap, chosen by Joosebug.

Thanks again for a great LAN, looking forward to the next one.

Re: Feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:19 pm
by ragemoar
Firstly another brilliant LAN thoroughly enjoyed it!

not much to complain about everything was pretty much spot on

- 1v1 tournament in my opinion needs to be organised a bit better more matches needed to be pushed through on saturday ideally i think only the semi finals and finals should be left for sunday

- sleeping area, while is was slightly more comfortable than the usual side hall it was a bit cramped and im not sure if there was a door or not but it was pretty hard to get to sleep in there with the amount of noise/sounds going on outside

apart from these i cant think of much wrong look forward to the next lan! :)

Re: Feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:39 pm
by tenwierdufos
As per usual, really good lan, enjoyed myself no end.

Now because lists.

Good stuff:
Surgery Simulator

Bad stuff:
"Sporty" car seats dont make a good bed apparently
Games choices, just not my kettle o fish this time round