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LlamaLAN 26 - ticket sales date and other news

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:50 pm
by CyberDrac
Llamas of the World,

LlamaLAN 25 has passed into glorious memories and work is afoot for our next instalment.

LlamaLAN 26 in being planned for the same venue in twenty eight glorious weeks, that sounds so near at yet so far away. The dates for your diary are Friday the 21st October until Sunday the 23rd October 2016. Etch those date in stone, or preferably in whatever calender system you subscribe to. Another date for your diary is Sunday the 1st May 2016 at Midday ... why? ... because that will be the date and time that we will open up the event for everyone to purchase their tickets. So set an alarm!

Arrangements are unchanged from the last few events with the early adopter ticket price remaining at £20 plus PayPal fees for the first twenty four fully paid up signups ... this will equate, due to the staggered opening of seating, to four full teams of six players. Once they are full the remaining seats will open in pairs on each team (eight at a time) at the regular price of £30 plus PayPal fees until such time as we hit full capacity at the complete event total of forty attendees.

One new feature will be an optional service for those where the ability to check in during Thursday evening would help with travelling, or simply to maximise your LAN enjoyment. As with all services of this type there will be no guarantee of of power, network, or Internet access as these may be in the process of of being setup or configured during that time, but you can set up and make yourselves at home while that work is being completed. The optional service will go on sale a few weeks after the initial sale of tickets at a cost of £10 plus PayPal charges.

There will be a full meeting of the admin team on the 7th May at which the incredible amount of feedback delivered in person, and through the forums will be finely sieved through and the choice nuggets of the feedback will be worked back into the upcoming event. The one thing that we all took away from the meeting, the last event, and the buzz on the forums since has been how passionately the LlamaLAN community feel about the events and their future and how determined they are to make future events even more successful.

In the mean time, be the LlamaEVANGALISTS that we know you all are, spread the word, recruit your friends, your family, er ... that person you nod to at work because you know they're a secret gamer too ... you know that the more that attend the better the event is for everyone!

We would also like people to start thinking hard about the community led tournament for the next event, we will be open to suggestions and proposals in the weeks following the opening of the ticket sales from those paid up to attend.

We look forward to seeing the signups flooding in a week's time and it would be lovely to see the event confirmed that same day, or at the very least in the days that follow.

A heartfelt "Thank You" for everyone who made the last event so very special, and who have pledged to the make the next event better.

'der Management

Re: LlamaLAN 26 - ticket sales date and other news

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:34 pm
by DrFesty